Samara’s story

"My foster dad was nice at first. He gave me money, bought me my favorite foods and encouraged me to do well in school. One night he came into my room and everything changed. I "owed" him. That weekend, he took me to a party where I was sold to his friends. I ran away.

The streets were hard and I ended up in the ER with nowhere to go. My social worker told me about Hope House. She said I would be safe there and would get the help I needed. I was scared but agreed to try it. My experiences had taught me other girls would not like me and would be mean. I took a deep breath at the front door with my social worker and stepped inside.

Wow! I had no idea there were other girls like me. Kaylee and I became fast friends, even though she was pasty white, lol. I've been here for a few months now. Miss Lydia helped me create a vision map for my future. Today I am not scared. I AM FREE!"


More than a mask


Marie’s story